If you wish to cancel your order, please do so before it is shipped. Once the order has been dispatched, cancellations are not possible. Orders typically ship within 1-3 days. We do not offer cash on delivery (COD) orders.
To cancel your order within 1 day of placing order, please send an email to or reply to your order confirmation email or contact via Contact Us Page.
For domestic orders, we use trusted courier partners. If you receive a damaged parcel, please do not accept it. Immediately return it to the delivery person.
If you find any damaged, incorrect, or incomplete products, inform us within 3 days at, providing images or include details in your order confirmation mail. We aim to resolve your issue promptly and facilitate an exchange.
Once we have shipped the order, we cannot cancel or refund it. If the customer requests cancellation before shipping the order, we will cancel the order and refund the remaining amount after deducting the processing fee in 5-7 days.
No shipping charges will be deducted for damaged products. Returns/exchanges based on design, colors, and prints are not accepted. Shipping charges are non-refundable. Customized products, sale items, misprints, patches, small dye stains, and color variations from website images are not considered damaged products and are not eligible for return or exchange.
International orders are not eligible for cancel, return or exchange. In the rare event of a return, shipping the product is the customer's responsibility. Shipping charges and customs duties are the responsibility of the customer.
Once we have shipped the order, we cannot cancel or refund it. If the customer requests cancellation before shipping the order, we will cancel the order and refund the remaining amount after deducting the processing fee in 5-7 days.
If you receive a damaged product in an international order, share images with us within 3 days at We will record the issue and communicate further steps promptly.
The company holds the authority to make the final decision in any case. We strive to provide fair resolutions to ensure customer satisfaction.